Advanced submission

A valid submission name is required.
Choose a name for your submission.
Please provide a valid set of oligo sequences. They may only contain A, C, G, and T. At most 10000 sequences with up to 150 nucleotides each are allowed.
#oligos 0
max. length 0
avg. GC 0%
Provide the oligo sequences for simulation. Enter each oligo on its own line. Limited to 10000 oligos of max. 150 nt each.
A valid synthesis platform is required.
Select the type of synthesis provider to be used.
Mean synthesis coverage must be a positive integer.
Choose the mean number of oligos per sequence after synthesis.

Valid synthesis homogeneity is required.
Choose the homogeneity of the coverage distribution after synthesis.
Choose a valid polymerase type.
Select the type of polymerase for the amplification.
Mean PCR efficiency must be between 50% and 100%.
Select the mean efficiency during amplification.

Valid efficiency bias is required.
Choose the homogeneity of the efficiency distribution.
Number of PCR cycles must be between 0 and 120.
Total number of PCR cycles to simulate.
Choose whether to simulate decay during aging.
Choose whether to include aging in the simulation.
Initial coverage must be between 1 and 200.
Choose the mean coverage just prior to aging.
Number of half-lives must be between 0 and 10.
Select the extent of aging via the number of half-lives of decay.
Sequencing depth must be between 1 and 50.
Choose the mean number of reads per sequence during sequencing.
Sequencing length must be between 30 and 300.
Select the read length during sequencing.
Choose whether to perform paired reads.
Choose whether paired reads are used during sequencing.

Error profile

Estimated from settings
  • Substitutions
    PCR & Sequencing
  • Deletions
  • Insertions
  • Coverage bias
    Synthesis & PCR